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Snails For Sale
Achatina Snails
Achatina Fulica Baby Snail
Giant African Land Snail - Achatina Fulica Baby Snail
- Size - 3-4 Cm shell length roughly
- Age - Unknown, captive bred in the UK
- Care - 21-24 degrees, medium humidity
- Can grow into a medium sized snail
- More care information
- Any questions please contact me
- Can be kept with rodatzi, albino jade and albino jadatzi
Achatina Fulica Rodatzi Juvenile Snail
Giant African Land Snail - Achatina Fulica Rodatzi Juvenile Snail
- Size - roughly 4-5 cm shell length
- Age - Unknown, bred in the UK
- Can grow into a medium sized snail
- Care - 21-24 degrees, medium humidity
- More care information
- Any questions please contact me
- Can be kept with fulica, albino jade and albino jadatzi
Achatina Reticula Albino Baby Snail
Giant African Land Snail - Achatina Albino retic Baby snail
- Current size - 2-3 cm shell length
- Age - unknown, captive bred in the UK
- Can grow into a medium sized snail
- Care - 26-27 degrees, medium humidity
- Any questions please contact me
- More care information
Achatina Immaculata Panthera Baby Snail
Giant African Land Snail - Achatina Immaculata Pantherea Baby Snail​
- Current size - 2-3 cm shell length
- Age - Unknown, captive bred in the UK
- Care - 25-27 degrees, high humidityÂ
- Can grow into a medium - large snail
- More care information
- Any questions please contact me
Achatina Fulica Albino Jade Baby Snail
Giant African Land Snail -Â Achatina Fulica Albino Jade Baby Snail
- Size - 2-3 cm shell length roughly
- Age - unknown - captive bred in the UK
- Care - 21 - 24 degrees, medium humidity
- Can grow into a medium sized snail
- More care information
- Any questions please contact me
Archachatina Snails
Other Snails / Slugs
Pleurodonte Isabella Baby Snail
Pleurodonte Isabella Baby Snail
- Size - Roughly 1-2 cm shell length
- Can grown into a small snail
- Care - 24 degrees, high humidity
- More care information
- Any questions please contact me
Helix Maxima Baby Snail
Helix Maxima Baby Snail
- Current size 2-3 cm shell
- Age - Unknown, captive bred in UK
- Can grow into a Small snail
- Care - 18 degrees, medium humidity
- Any questions please contact me
Helix Maxima Adult Snail
Helix Maxima Adult Snail
- Current size -4-5 cm shell length roughly
- Age - Unknown, captive bred in the UK
- Care - 18-20 degrees, medium humidity
- Can grow into a small snail
- More care information
- Any questions please contact me
Helix Apersa Leucistic Baby Snail
Helix Aspersa Baby Snail
- Size - 2-3 cm shell length
- Age - unknown, captive bred in the UK
- Care - 18-20 degrees, medium humidity
- Can grow into a small snail - slightly larger then the common garden snail
- More care information
- Any questions please contact me
Starter Kits
Optional Postage Extras
Shipping Heat Pack 40 hour plus
Shipping Heat Pack
With the cold weather now setting in, you can add a shipping heat pack to your order if you wish, to ensure the snail/s inside will be nice and warm. These are recomennded. especially during the colder nights, but are not essential. Only 1 can be sent with each order.
With the cold weather now setting in, you can add a shipping heat pack to your order if you wish, to ensure the snail/s inside will be nice and warm. These are recomennded. especially during the colder nights, but are not essential. Only 1 can be sent with each order.